Utilities Helping Utilities
What is IdWARN?
IdWARN is a state wide Water and Wastewater Agency Response Network (WARN) of utilities helping each other prepare and respond to natural and man made interruptions in service.
IdWARN Network Mission
To promote statewide emergency preparedness, disaster response, and mutual assistance for public and private water/wastewater utilities.
Click here to view the Mutual Aid Agreement
Click here to view the IdWARN Brochure
Why do we need IdWARN?
Water and wastewater systems provide our communities with a life-sustaining resource that is vital to maintaining public health, sanitation and safety. When water and wastewater services are interrupted for extended periods of time, a community’s well-being quickly deteriorates. Without adequate water and wastewater services, the people of Idaho are vulnerable to property loss from fire as well as deteriorating health from unsafe drinking water and inadequate sanitation. When struck by a man-made or natural disaster, the IdWARN provides the necessary resources and tools to restore essential services quickly and efficiently.
How does IdWARN help?
IdWARN provides water and wastewater utilities with:
A Mutual Aid Agreement and process for sharing emergency resources statewide.
A mutual assistance program consistent with other statewide mutual aid and assistance programs and the National Incident Management System.
The resources to respond and recover more quickly from a natural or man made disaster.
A forum for developing and maintaining emergency contacts and relationships.
Why Join IdWARN?
There is no cost or commitment to join IdWARN, and assistance is strictly voluntary.
Being a member of IdWARN will make you eligible for FEMA disaster reimbursement in a federally declared disaster.
Access to a database of utilities and resources.
Timely access to resources in the database.
IdWARN is developed, managed and run by water and wastewater utilities. Who is better trained and equipped to help you in your time of need than your peers in the industry?